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Education sector could do better

A survey of education leaders reveals over 60 per cent of institutions did not report Scope 3 emissions data.

The survey, by Climatise amongst 500 UK education leaders also found that over 70 per cent of respondents found that their institution was not very well prepared to report Scope 3 emissions, saying that they were between somewhat or not at all prepared.

The UK-based carbon accounting platform revealed the survey as it also announced that it has been chosen by Future Academies, a multi-academy trust running a teacher training college and nine schools across London and Hertfordshire, to deliver emissions measurement and reporting services for all its facilities.

Future Academies was set up by the charity Future, which serves 6,634 students and 854 employees across nine institutions including Pimlico Academy in Westminster, Trinity Academy in Brixton and Laureate Academy in Hemel Hempstead, and will utilise Climatise to create an overview of the emissions output across its facilities as it drives its reduction efforts. Previously, Future Academies used manual carbon spreadsheet-based accounting.

Future Academies is a first mover amongst its peers in capturing its largely voluntary Scope 3 emissions data comprising indirect emissions that occur outside of the group's direct operations such as emissions stemming from within the group’s supply chain. This will allow the group to make meaningful progress and be best placed to meet the mounting pressures to make more stringent sustainability reporting mandatory.

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