EDF is giving away free electricity for customers who sign up to its Sunday Saver challenge as a reward for using less electricity during peak times.
Customers who shift some of their electricity use away from weekday peak hours earn free hours of electricity the following Sunday. The more electricity customers shift, the more ‘free’ electricity they can earn.
The tariff follows a trial where 98 per cent of participants earned four hours or more of free electricity on Sundays at least once, and research conducted by EDF has shown strong support from trial participants of the schemes, with 98 per cent of those surveyed making a conscious effort to reduce their energy usage during peak times.
Participants said that the easiest ways they have been shifting their consumption are by using the washing machine or tumble dryer at different times, not using the dishwasher, and moving their cooking time. In addition, 68 per cent of the group also said that the trial helped them understand more about the relationship between their usage and their carbon footprint.
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