Archive News

In the first half of 2024, renewables made up more than half of all electric power generation in Europe while nuclear provided a stable share of 24 per cent according to latest figures from Eurelectric’s electricity data platform.
Posted: 01/07/2024
Nyobolt has demonstrated the successful charging of a EV battery from 10 per cent to 80 per cent four minutes and 37 seconds.
Posted: 28/06/2024
Eight out of the ten largest EV markets experience growth in year to May with only Germany and Sweden falling behind.
Posted: 28/06/2024
The Supreme Court has passed judgment that could have profound implications for new fossil fuel projects.
Posted: 27/06/2024
France recently published the results of its 250MW floating offshore wind auction off South Brittany (AO5), scoring a record-low price for floating offshore wind at €86/MWh and well below the €140/MWh ceiling price.
Posted: 27/06/2024
TagEnergy’s Golden Plains Wind Farm in Victoria has moved closer to operation and becoming the largest wind farm in the Southern Hemisphere at 1.3TW.
Posted: 27/06/2024
US-based EV truck maker Rivian and Volkswagen (VW) have announced their intention to form a joint venture to create next-generation electrical architecture and best-in-class software technology.
Posted: 26/06/2024
A study from Voxeurop and European Investigative Collaborations shows that companies engaged in oil extraction, car manufacturing and fashion are some of the biggest recipients from EU green funds.
Posted: 26/06/2024
Glastonbury Festival will again see a bright pink wind turbine, nicknamed Gusty Spinfield, help power the Williams Green area for food traders and bars.
Posted: 26/06/2024
E.ON and Australian real estate developer Lendlease have signed an agreement to build a low-carbon energy network for more than 6,000 new homes and business properties at Silvertown in London.
Posted: 25/06/2024
In an interview in the Sunday Telegraph, shadow energy secretary Ed Miliband hinted at the course a Labour government would take on energy policy.
Posted: 25/06/2024
The risk of solar and wind turbine fires, combined with the growth of co-located energy storage, has created a potentially worrying cocktail of hazards.
Posted: 24/06/2024
Ferrari, the name evokes large V12s, red flashes of speed, unreliability and dubious sporting tactics, but electric? Well not really.
Posted: 24/06/2024
By 2030, with faster trends in renewables and even without new oil and gas licences, a household with energy efficiency at EPC C, an electric heat pump and an electric vehicle will cut primary energy imports by 80 per cent.
Posted: 21/06/2024
Octopus Energy will repay the Government £3bn for the funds it received for the takeover of Bulb.
Posted: 21/06/2024
An Energy Institute Statistical Review reveals that energy use is at all time highs, with coal and oil pushing fossil fuels and their emissions to record levels and China’s per capita consumption overtaking Europe for the first time.
Posted: 20/06/2024
Despite last year’s $1.8tr in clean energy investment, investment still remains below what is needed to meet the COP28 target of tripling renewable capacity by 2030, according to the latest EY Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index (RECAI 63).
Posted: 19/06/2024
DNV forecast that by 2050, wind and solar will supply almost 70 per cent of the world’s electricity. By then, global electricity consumption will have doubled compared to today. This significant increase in variable renewables will present many challenges and create new market dynamics for grids worldwide.
Posted: 19/06/2024
The Government shelved plans for a “hydrogen town” pilot project in May, which aimed to test hydrogen use in residential heating and cooking for 10,000 homes. The primary reason cited for this decision was the lack of a main hydrogen supply.
Posted: 19/06/2024
Octopus Energy has made its first investment in US renewables with the target of investing $2bn in generation projects by 2030.
Posted: 19/06/2024
A Stanford University is working on liquids for energy storage.
Posted: 18/06/2024
SolarPower Europe’s annual Global Market Outlook for Solar Power 2024-2028 reveals that, in 2023, global solar yearly installations grew by 87 per cent on the previous year, adding 447GW of new solar to the world’s total solar capacity to 1.6TW.
Posted: 18/06/2024
RenewableUK is reporting the growth of global offshore wind capacity by 21 per cent over the last 12 months, from 61.5GW a year ago to 75GW today.
Posted: 17/06/2024
Headline capacities at offshore wind farms make the cost of delays substantially higher than a decade ago and slimmer margins in today’s economic environment mean delays can make the difference between profit and loss up and down the supply chain.
Posted: 17/06/2024
Tual is opening its new commercial headquarters at Bicester Motion in Oxfordshire to help grow its electrification of commercial vehicles.
Posted: 17/06/2024
UN climate talks in Bonn have ended with limited progress on finance.
Posted: 14/06/2024
Two months after the European court of Human Rights found the Swiss state had breached article eight of the European Convention on Human Rights, by not guaranteeing the “right to respect for private and family life”, by failure to set or reach environmental targets, the Swiss government has said it will not comply with the ruling.
Posted: 13/06/2024
Osprey Charging and NewRiver who own and manage a portfolio of community shopping centres and retail parks across the UK, have announced a partnership to expand EV charging points.
Posted: 13/06/2024
The EC’s investigation into chinse state subsidies for its EV production has provisionally concluded that electric vehicle value chains do unfairly benefit.
Posted: 13/06/2024
The National Grid ESO will pay UK households who turn down their electricity at any time of the year, not just winter, in a revolutionary change for the UK energy system.
Posted: 13/06/2024
Whilst remaining committed to delivering net zero by 2050, and rather pointedly reminding the public of quite how far the country has tilted to renewables with half of electricity from renewables sources compared to seven per cent when they took office, the new manifesto is a definite hybrid vehicle.
Posted: 13/06/2024
Swedish company Berg Propulsion has won a contract for hybrid propulsion on three wind-assisted Louis Dreyfus Armateurs (LDA) ro-ro vessels.
Posted: 12/06/2024
Westwood’s recent Floating Wind Survey shows that recent market upheaval, caused primarily by cost inflation, together with the subsequent re-focusing of developer strategies, means that many offshore wind targets are now likely to be missed.
Posted: 12/06/2024
A virtual Earth modelling initiative to better understand changing climate and extreme weather events has been launched.
Posted: 12/06/2024
Boston College analysis has shown that global nitrous oxide emissions grew by 40 per cent between 1980 and 2020.
Posted: 12/06/2024
UK Power Networks (UKPN) has created an API bridge to help low carbon electricity customers get connected faster.
Posted: 11/06/2024
Collectively, the green parties across the EU have suffered the biggest loses in the recent European Parliament elections as the political pendulum swings to the right.
Posted: 11/06/2024
New analysis from the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU) has found that the rise in British renewables will play a much larger role in bolstering the UK’s energy security than potential new domestic oil and gas production.
Posted: 10/06/2024
Climeworks’ has revealed its Generation 3 technology at its fifth annual summit, predicting that that direct air capture could follow the same scale-up and cost-reduction path as solar energy.
Posted: 10/06/2024
The first power has been produced at Viking Wind Farm on Shetland, which once fully operational will be the UK’s ‘most productive onshore’ wind farm.
Posted: 10/06/2024
A coalition of major brands including B&Q, Barratt Developments, Starbucks, TSB and Unilever is supporting the development of Home Advantage, a series of trials to encourage homeowners on sustainability.
Posted: 06/06/2024
Since 2019, global EV sales have rapidly grown from 1.6 million to 9.6 million cars in 2023, or around 15 per cent of the global market.
Posted: 06/06/2024
Global spending on clean energy technologies and infrastructure is on track to hit $2tr in 2024 even with higher financing costs.
Posted: 06/06/2024
The ITV general election leaders’ debate was sparky, at points aggressive, and as expected left no clear idea of what an incoming Labour government might do. You guess that Labour feels it is doing enough by ‘just not being the Tories’, and it may be, but it leaves some big questions over green policies.
Posted: 05/06/2024
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, an Italian scheme to support a total of 4590MW of new capacity for electricity production from renewable energy sources.
Posted: 05/06/2024
Vattenfall is highlighting the potential increases to grid connections, pointing out that earlier this year, NGED, the DNO which manages electricity distribution in the South Midlands, Wales and the Southwest of the UK, published the statement saying the charging method for larger connections will changing from 1 April 2024 with customers seeking quotations for connections greater than 250kVa at high voltage required to pay for them when they are issued.
Posted: 05/06/2024
The Telegraph is reporting that Stellantis and Mercedes are putting their gigafactory ambitions on hold as EV sales slow.
Posted: 05/06/2024
The leap in solar power during 2023 has been attributed to the rise of China’s solar industry, but Ember analysis has revealed a more nuanced picture.
Posted: 04/05/2024
National Grid is starting work on a new 275kV substation that will connect Sunderland’s new gigafactories into the electricity transmission network.
Posted: 04/05/2024
EDF has now migrated over five million meter points in the UK onto Octopus’s Kraken platform, and building on this a broader partnership including Accenture will support organisations, scale the Kraken technology and deliver customer services globally.
Posted: 03/05/2024
A new polling by YouGov for the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU) has found many MPs are at odds with the British public over the shape of the UK’s energy security and MPs also significantly underestimate support for solar and wind farms.
Posted: 03/06/2024
The UK needs to more than double its current rate of installing electric vehicle (EV) charge points to meet the 2030 target of 300,000 units.
Posted: 31/05/24
UK-based flood science specialist JBA Risk Management is partnering with Oxford University to study the impacts of climate extremes on infrastructure networks. The Oxford Programme for Sustainable Infrastructure Systems, led by Jim Hall, will be provided with access to JBA’s global flood maps and event sets to help generate new insights into present day and future infrastructure risks.
Posted: 30/05/2024
The first ever UK trial to replace a diesel engine with a battery on an intercity train is underway.
Posted: 29/05/2024
Planned renewable energy projects are being hindered due to problems accessing the electricity grid, a new report published by the Environmental Audit Committee has found.
Projects are facing obstacles including slow connections, limited capacity, inappropriate planning regulations and market uncertainty.
Posted: 29/05/2024
A study published today by the Lord Mayor of London and the Royal Society of Chemistry suggests that global temperatures are on track to increase by over 3 degrees by 2100. The paper calculates the amount of carbon dioxide generated by burning the world’s current reserves, and finds that it exceeds the recommendations by the IPCC by 5 to 10 times.
Posted: 28/05/2024
Industry leaders from wind, oil and gas sectors have come together to prototype an ‘energy skills passport’ to recognise expertise and training across the energy sector to help workers in oil and gas transition into renewable sectors.
Posted: 23/05/24
Concrete has long been a major contributor of carbon, but researchers from the University of Cambridge have developed a method to produce very low-emission concrete at scale.
Posted: 23/05/2024
The unprecedentedly wet winter, coming at the end of the wettest 18 months in the UK since records began in 1836, has had a significant impact on farmers’ cropping plans, with wet weather in the autumn preventing the drilling of winter crops, and ongoing wet weather in February and March preventing the drilling of spring crops.
Posted: 23/05/2024
April was a record-breaking month for electricity with a low carbon record at 21gCO2/kWh on 5 April, another low carbon record at 19gCO2/kWh on 15 April and a share of fossil fuels in the generation mix hitting a record low of 2.4 per cent on 15 April.
Posted: 23/05/2024
The Government has announced that it has decided that surplus greenhouse gas emissions over the last five years (under the third carbon budget) will not be carried forward into the next carbon budget, which follows the advice of the independent Climate Change Committee.
Posted: 22/05/2024
Wylfa in Anglesey is the Government's preferred site for a large-scale gigawatt nuclear power plant.
Posted: 22/05/2024
Nearly one in five shareholders at the Shell AGM have protested its stance on climate targets, urging the company to align with the Paris Agreement.
Posted: 22/05/2024
Ofwat has published its second public consultation on a five-year £100m Water Efficiency Fund (WEF) to find ways to help people reduce their water usage.
Posted: 21/05/2014
A new scheme is offering Uber drivers in London an incentive to switch to electric transport with up to £5,000 of grants for EVs.
Posted: 21/05/2014
A new report by Robert Gordon University (RGU) has revealed that the UK will fail to achieve a ‘just and fair’ transition by 2030 unless there is urgent alignment across the political spectrum to sustain UK offshore energy industry jobs, supply chain investments and the economic contribution of the workforce.
Posted: 21/05/2014
Unite, the union which represents members in the offshore oil industry, has launched an extensive campaign to ensure that a future Labour government drops its planned ban on blocking new licenses for oil and gas exploration in the North Sea, until a genuine programme for the just transition of work is operational.
Posted: 21/05/2014
A planned fifth hydro project proposed at Loch Ness is going before public consultation, as Glen Earrach Energy's (GEE) pumped storage hydro project seeks permission in the Loch Ness area.
Posted: 20/05/2024
Delays to auction schemes across key EU offshore wind markets are increasing competition among developers, leading to an ‘arms-race’ of the most prepared to meet the goals of the EU 2030 Agenda.
Posted: 20/05/2024
Plunge Pricing has been adopted by Octopus for first time on the public EV charging network, building on the domestic experience with the Agile Octopus smart tariff.
Posted: 20/05/2024
Honda is planning to invest approximately £60bn in EV production as it gambles on a future “period of full-fledged popularisation of EVs” in 2030.
Posted: 17/05/2024
Tetra Pak’s new Approach to Nature framework on nature loss and enhancing water security aims to manage the impacts of the company’s value chain on nature and to support the restoration of ecosystems.
Posted: 16/05/2024
With only a handful of CCS projects being operational or under construction, there is an urgent need to ensure that CCS becomes a reality in Europe, and as of today, no CO2 at all is being captured for permanent storage within the EU.
Posted: 16/05/2024
A guerrilla billboarding action across UK is targeting Shell in the run up to its AGM. (Artwork by Michelle Tylicki, Credit: Brandalism.)
Posted: 16/05/2024
Volklec, a new Coventry-based manufacturing business making batteries for electric vehicles, has been launched.
Posted: 15/05/2024
Three Japanese companies and Drax Group have signed a memorandum of understanding to develop the world’s first biomass-fuelled ship (bioship) and the technology that could power it.
Posted: 15/05/2024
The US has quadrupled tariffs on Chinese EVs, along with extra tariffs on solar panels, steel, rare minerals and other goods.
Posted: 15/05/2024
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) notes that “since AR5 [the fifth assessment report of 2014] there is increased evidence that climate hazards associated with extreme events and variability act as direct drivers of involuntary migration and displacement and as indirect drivers through deteriorating climate-sensitive livelihoods”.
Posted: 14/05/2024
The Ocean 14 Capital Fund I, focusing on the marine ‘blue economy’, has announced it has closed on €201m to fund sustainable solutions to improve ocean health.
Posted: 14/05/2024
The UK can become an early mover in the deployment of zero emission fuel according new report published by UMAS, an independent maritime and energy decarbonisation consultancy, and Arup.
Posted: 13/05/2024
On Wednesday 15 May the Manchester Stop EACOP (East African Crude Oil Pipeline) coalition will be holding a peaceful protest during the largest insurance event of the year, the BIBA Conference in the Manchester.
Posted: 13/05/2024
Pepsico’s hsas announced its first net-zero plant in Spain, calling it a “big milestone” in its PepsiCoPositive programme.
Posted: 13/05/2024
Waitrose is committing in its support to its British farmers as they move to nature-friendly farming practices, helping to boost financial resilience of farms in the long-term and combat the effects of climate change.
Posted: 13/05/2024
Onshoring the EV supply chain to Europe would cut the emissions of producing a battery by 37 per cent compared to a China-controlled supply chain, according to new analysis by Transport & Environment (T&E).
Posted: 13/05/2024
Sky has signed a 10-year agreement with Octopus Renewables Infrastructure Trust to receive renewable energy from the Crossdykes Wind Farm in Lanarkshire, Scotland.
Posted: 13/05/2024
The Green Finance Institute (GFI) is establishing a mortgage training programme to drive the greening of the built environment.
Posted: 09/05/2024
Greenpeace Canada has accused Shell’s flagship carbon capture project of making over $145m by selling emissions credits for reductions that never happened.
Posted: 09/05/2024
The largest direct air capture and storage (DAC+S) plant currently in existence, the Mammoth in Iceland, has started operations. It is the second commercial DAC+S facility of Climeworks and is about ten times bigger than its predecessor plant, Orca.
Posted: 09/05/2024
Renewables generated a record 30 per cent of global electricity in 2023, driven by growth in solar and wind, and combined with nuclear, the world generated almost 40 per cent of its electricity from low-carbon sources. (Picture credit: SSE.)
Posted: 08/05/2024
Octopus Energy has reached a new valuation of $9bn as existing shareholders Generation Investment Management and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPP Investments) increase their stakes in the business.
Posted: 08/05/2024
Microsoft has signed a contract with Stockholm Exergi covering 3.33 million tonnes of permanent carbon removals from bio-energy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) at Värtan, Stockholm.
Posted: 07/05/2024
A new study has revealed for the first time the vital role CO2 plays in determining the lifespan of airborne viruses, namely SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.(picture credit:Allen Haddrell).
Posted: 07/05/2024
A new type of porous material that can store carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases has been developed by a team of scientists jointly led by Heriot-Watt University.
Posted: 07/05/2024
Battery electric vehicle (BEV) made up 16.9 per cent of the new car market in April, But the rise was sustained entirely by business buyers, as private retail demand dropped by five per cent.
Posted: 07/05/2024
Chinese battery maker CATL has unveiled its Shenxing PLUS, the first LFP battery that can achieve a range above 1,000km with 4C superfast charging.
Posted: 07/05/2024
The current climate action plan is unlawful, the High Court has ruled.
Posted: 03/05/2024
Lithium-ion batteries prices have fallen 90 per cent since 2010 and seen higher energy densities and longer lifetimes according to an IEA report.
Posted: 03/05/2024
British Gas has built on its partnership with Toyota with HomeCharge, a domestic wallbox chargepoint designed exclusively for Toyota electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles.
Posted: 03/05/2024
The UK pipeline of battery projects has increased by two-thirds in the last year, going from 57.1GW to 95.6GW.
Posted: 02/05/2024
Brookfield will deliver 10.5 GW and SSE Renewables and FuturEnergy Ireland will add 30MW.
Posted: 02/05/2024
Detailed in its first sustainability report, its “quest” is to power its trains using 100 per cent renewable energy by 2030.
Posted: 02/05/2024
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has called for urgent action to deepen the understanding on the formation and climate impact of aviation contrails to develop effective mitigation measures.
Posted: 01/05/2024
Overall, it looks like good news: the G7 countries have agreed to phase out coal before 2035, but, as always, the Devil is in the detail.
Posted: 01/05/2024
SSE has acquired a fully consented battery storage project near Dungannon, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland, from Heron Energy.
Posted: 01/05/2024
A major scheme to unlock capacity for new energy generation has seen almost 1GW of projects accept fast-track offers to connect to the electricity network.
Posted: 01/05/2024
Pity the EU, it has, on the one had and as reported yesterday, a series of farmers’ protests on the restrictive nature of the Common Agricultural Policy, including its ‘green’ measures, and on the other now faces legal action if it tries to ‘water down’ these laws.
Posted: 30/04/2024
Octopus has gained more than 1.9 million customers since Q1 2023, reaching a market share of 22 per cent with 6.8 million households now served by the company.
Posted: 29/04/2024
The EU Solar Charter was signed at meeting of 23 EU energy ministers and around 100 solar sector representatives, committing governments and the sector to support EU solar manufacturing.
Posted: 29/04/2024
Protests by farmers across the EU are congealing into more focussed political action, with agendas to end what they see as excessive green policies, prioritise products produced in Europe and reduce import trade agreements including grain from Ukraine.
Posted: 29/04/2024
Earlier this month the KSTAR fusion reactor broke its previous record and successfully sustained the plasma with ion temperatures of 100 million degrees Celsius for 48 seconds.
Posted: 26/04/2024
Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf did the inevitable yesterday and told the Scottish Greens that he was ending their power-sharing deal, demonstrating the ‘realpolitik’ of renewable policy.
Posted: 26/04/2024
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has created the Forum for Insurance Transition to Net Zero (FIT).
Posted: 25/04/2024
Following the UK, which left earlier this year along with France, Spain and the Netherlands, the EU has finally accepted that it cannot agree on modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty, and MEPs have given their consent to leave it.
Posted: 25/04/2024
MEPs have adopted new EU rules to tackle constantly growing packaging waste.
Posted: 25/04/2024
Climate activists interrupted Abrdn’s AGM, demanding the asset manager end investment in coal, oil, and gas, and oututside the meeting in Edinburgh, protesters staged a dance routine set and unfurled banners reading ‘abrdoomed.’
Posted: 25/04/2024
Floating offshore wind farms could be faster to build following an investment by Octopus Energy’s generation arm into Ocergy.
Posted: 25/04/2024
The Green Volt wind farm off the coast of Aberdeenshire has been granted offshore planning approval.
Posted: 25/04/2024
Tesla’s profits have halved as the car maker sees increased competition and falling volumes. In return the company is gearing up to launch new models, reduce headcount and cut prices on existing lines.
Posted: 24/04/2024
The industrial sector, responsible for 25-30 per cent of global CO2 emissions, has moved from the slow lane of decarbonation to a full-on green transition.
Posted: 24/04/2024
The Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA) was founded in 2021with 43 founding signatory banks committed to bringing down all emissions related to their lending and investment portfolios to net-zero by 2050.
Posted: 24/04/2024
A “staggering” number of workers, amounting to more than 70 per cent of the global workforce, are likely to be exposed to climate-change-related health hazards, and existing occupational safety and health (OSH) protections are struggling to keep up with the resulting risks, according to a new report by the International Labour Organization (ILO).
Posted: 23/04/2024
Only 14 per cent of professionals in the UK think their employer is doing enough to help combat climate change.
Posted: 23/04/2024
Ripple has announced that the Whitelaw Brae wind farm will be built Scottish Borders moorland, around 15 km north of Moffat, close to Tweedsmuir. It is set to be the largest people-owned green energy project in the UK with the potential to save typical households 1,434 kg CO₂ annually, once operation begins in late 2026.
Posted: 23/04/2024
The global electric car fleet is continuing to grow strongly, with sales set to reach 17 million this year, despite some near-term challenges in some markets.
Posted: 23/04/2024
Only two-fifths of the world’s largest 100 private firms (40) have net-zero targets, compared with 70 of the largest 100 publicly owned peers, according to Net Zero Tracker (NZT).
Posted: 22/04/2024
M&S is embarking on a major drive to give pre-loved clothing a second life, with a free postal donation service.
Posted: 22/04/2024
Queen's University is looking at recycling waste energy from high-performance computing (HPC) to heat hospitals, homes and schools.
Posted: 22/04/2024
Labour, should it be elected, plans to upgrade of Britain’s ports with a £1.8 billion investment as part of its proposed Green Prosperity Plan.
Posted: 20/04/2024
Analysis of UK aviation emissions by Transport & Environment (T&E) has found that aviation emissions are on track to return to pre-pandemic levels. Many budget airlines are now emitting more than they ever have and 32 Mt of CO2 was emitted. Compared to 2022, the number of flights increased by 16 per cent and the number of emissions from those flights rose by 23 per cent.
Posted: 22/04/2024
Unilever has long been the standard-bearer for caring corporate culture, but Hein Schumacher, Unilever CEO, is now looking to “focus”.
Posted: 22/04/2024
Port Talbot has recently been boosted by the Government's Department of Energy Security and Net Zero decision to advance the Future Port Talbot Programme to the Primary List phase of the Floating Offshore Wind Manufacturing Investment Scheme (FLOWMIS), and a visit from Maritime Minister, Lord Davies. Now it has appointed property consultancy Knight Frank as joint marketing agents for its five ports in South Wales.
Posted: 19/04/2024
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is looking to strength regulation on climate-related financial risks.
Posted: 19/04/2024
After first quarter results, Tesla has shown a decline in the number of vehicles, in part owing to greater competition and a slowing of demand for EVs. Although the company itself ascribed the fall as being due to “the early phase of the production ramp of the updated Model 3 … and factory shutdowns resulting from shipping diversions caused by the Red Sea conflict and an arson attack at Gigafactory Berlin.”
Posted: 18/04/2024
RenewableUK, the Offshore Wind Industry Council, The Crown Estate and Crown Estate Scotland have published a detailed Industrial Growth Plan, setting out how to triple offshore wind manufacturing capacity over the next ten years, firmly establishing the UK as a leader the global market.
Posted: 18/04/2024
The interim target of reducing emissions by 75 percent by 2030 has been abandoned by the Scottish Government.
Posted: 18/04/2024
SSE Renewables has announced its principal contractor and battery supplier for its largest 320MW battery storage project at Monk Fryston, North Yorkshire.
Posted: 17/04/2024
The International Emissions Trading Association (IETA), the business group devoted to pricing and trading greenhouse gas reductions, has unveiled its Guidelines for High Integrity Use of Carbon Credits, setting out clear guidance on how corporate buyers should consider their use of carbon credits to progress towards the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Posted: 17/04/2024
Octopus Energy Group with Energisa Group are to progress te development of green renewables across Brazil.
Posted: 17/04/2024
Okay, to be frank, I’ve never had much time for the B Corp tag in the UK. In the US it makes more sense, but you have to say it has caught on and brings with it at least the intent to greater sustainability, and that is hard to argue with.
Posted: 16/04/2024
Northumberland County Council’s cabinet is consider the Northumberland Energy Park (NEP3) land site in Cambois for a new ‘hyperscale Datacentre campus’.
Posted: 16/04/2024
Hydrogen has been used to refuel and power critical parts of EasyJet’s ground operation at Bristol Airport, the first airport trial of its kind at a major UK airport.
Posted: 16/04/2024
Sixty NGOs have signed an open letter calling on banks and investors to stop participating in bonds issued by TotalEnergies.
Posted: 15/04/2024
SSE’s first battery energy storage system (BESS) project at Salisbury in Wiltshire is now fully operational. The 50MW/100MWh BESS project is now trading in the wholesale energy market following the completion last week of final energisation tests at the site.
Posted: 15/04/2024
MEPs have approved reforms for a more sustainable and resilient energy market.
Posted: 15/04/2024
Plans are progressing to invest £200m in carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology at the Parc Adfer energy from waste facility in Deeside, North Wales.
Posted: 15/04/2024
Lithium-ion batteries are the most widely used type, from laptops to EVs, but solid-state sodium batteries could be a useful option, with sodium being somewhat cheaper and more plentiful than lithium.
Posted: 12/04/2024
UN Climate Change executive secretary Simon Stiell told an audience at Chatham House in London that there are only two years to save the world
Posted: 11/04/2024
The EU investigation into Chinese subsidies for its green industries has drawn the ire of Beijing, with a counter accusation that the EU is seeking protectionism for its companies.
Posted: 11/04/2024
Illegal refrigerant gases are being smuggled into Europe causing potentially more damage to the Ozone Layer.
Posted: 11/04/2024
China is the driving force behind the goal rise of coal power, accounting for two-thirds of new additions according to Global Energy Monitor’s annual survey of the global coal fleet.
Posted: 11/04/2024
England could produce 13 times more renewable energy, using less than 3 per cent of land, new analysis from Friends of the Earth and Exter University shows, and England can become a green energy superpower.
Posted: 11/04/2024
As if the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has irritated the Government enough, its latest ruling on the duty of the Swiss government to protect people from climate change has added more fuel to a fire that may lead to the UK’s exit from the organisation.
Posted: 10/04/2024
A new generation of electric vessels could power London’s energy network, generating income for vessel operators and reducing emissions in the capital.
Posted: 09/04/2024
The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) has reported that the month of March in 2024 was warmer globally than any previous March in the data record, with an average surface air temperature of 14.14C, which is 0.73C above the 1991-2020 average for March and 0.10C above the previous high set in March 2016.
Posted: 09/04/2024
Planning has been approved for one of the UK’s largest hydrogen production facilities to be located in Bradford.
Posted: 09/04/2024
In a landmark decision, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has decided in favour of the complainants and ruled that climate change violates the right to respect for one’s private and family life.
Posted: 09/04/2024
Hydrogen fuel cells have a reputation as the poor relation to EVs, indeed some see hydrogen as a flailing transport solution, but the concept is gaining momentum in heavy goods, with US maker Nikola producing 43 hydrogen fuel cell electric trucks for in Q1 2024.
Posted: 08/04/2024
The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) has launched the first carbon-crediting programmes assessed as meeting the high-integrity criteria set out in its Core Carbon Principles (CCPs).
Posted: 08/04/2024
British company Naked Energy has signed a manufacturing contract with ELM Solar that will see a new facility to manufacture Virtu products in Dallas, Texas, with Naked Energy expecting manufacturing for all North American projects to be handled entirely at the site by 2025.
Posted: 08/04/2024
NatPower has announced that it will channel £10bn into the UK industry storage industry.
Posted: 05/04/2024
According to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT), the UK new car market managed its 20th consecutive month of growth in March, with a 10.4 per cent rise in registrations.
Posted: 05/04/2024
Fusion developers First Light has stated that it has solved a major engineering challenge in the design of its concept power plant by increasing the 'standoff' – the distance travelled by the projectile to the fusion target – by more than ten times.
Posted: 05/04/2024
Last year’s emissions under the EU’s Emission Trading System (ETS) showed the largest reduction since the ETS scheme was launched in 2005.
Posted: 04/04/2024
Octopus Energy has launched the UK’s first heat pump and solar referral scheme as the company attempts to build capacity in its renewables drive.
Posted: 04/04/2024
Cleantech for UK has stated that venture capital investment in UK cleantech remains a “standout performer”.
Posted: 04/04/2024
Oil giant Shell is appealing the three-year old ruling by Dutch courts that the company must reduce its carbon emissions by 45 per cent by 2030 on environmental grounds.
Posted: 04/04/2024
Tesco and NatWest have launched a discounted climate and sustainable finance scheme for 1,500 farmers, providing them with preferential rates on finance to help them switch to sustainable farming methods.
Posted: 02/04/2024
The IEA and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change have joined forces to focus on three key areas: tracking and reporting on the energy-related outcomes of the first Global Stocktake at COP28; building consensus on actions to deliver 1.5 C-aligned energy transitions; and supporting the next round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement.
Posted: 02/04/2024
Exergio has created a report that considers the pitfalls of the carbon offsets market, showing how it allows greenwashing rather than sustainability.
Posted: 02/04/2024
Cranfield University will receive funding to unlock technical challenges and scale-up hydrogen-enabled aviation to help meet net-zero emissions targets.
Posted: 02/04/2024
Research conducted by Aurora Energy Research to calculate the capital investment, costs to consumers, long-term savings and carbon emissions saved under the power sector targets set by both Labour and the Conservatives show the real costs of net-zero programmes.
Posted: 02/04/2024
Mississippi is seeking to stop BlackRock’s alleged fraudulent actions and impose a multimillion-dollar administrative penalty.
Posted: 28/03/2024
The notion of a broad green backlash is set to dominate this year's EU election campaign might not be true, as new survey data from more than 15.000 respondents in Germany, France and Poland, shows that it could be overestimated.
Posted: 28/03/2024
Global EV sales reached 10.35 million over the past 12 months to February 2024 according to data from New AutoMotive’s Global Electric Vehicle Tracker (GEVT).
Posted: 28/03/2024
Vattenfall has completed the sale of the Norfolk Offshore Wind Zone to RWE in a deal that values the portfolio at £963m.
Posted: 28/03/2024
Since 2015, EU banks have funded sectors that threaten nature and climate with €256bn.
Posted: 28/03/2024
Power capacity additions reached a new high of 473GW in 2023, but many countries are cut off from the benefits of energy transitions say the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).
Posted: 27/03/2024
Over 100 businesses and investors are calling on the EU to set a greenhouse gas emissions reduction target.
Posted: 27/03/2024
The Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chains, part of the world Economic Forum (WEF) has released a paper that reviews the efforts by the EU, China and the US to foster circularity in the sector.
Posted: 27/03/2024
Housebuilders will be able to construct and sell net-zero homes without increasing current build costs as Wondrwall launches its Energy Service Contracts (ESC) to UK housebuilders removing the ‘green premium’ to building net-zero energy homes.
Posted: 26/03/2024
The Nature Restoration Law, adopted by the European Parliament in February, in facing delays and a difficult passage as some Member States rebel.
Posted: 26/03/2024
At the end of 2023, there were 34.8 million smart and advanced meters in homes and small businesses, with 30.8 million operating in smart mode or advanced meters, meaning that 11 per cent, or four million smart meters, are not working in smart mode.
Posted: 26/03/2024
Hybrid Air Vehicles (HAV) will place its production facility in Doncaster, creating a £1bn per annum export business and over 1,200 jobs and new supply chains within the South Yorkshire Investment Zone.
Posted: 25/03/2024
Sustainable Ventures, in partnership with CPI, will deliver a Government-backed hydrogen startups scheme in Manchester.
Posted: 25/03/2024
Keir Starmer is about to confirm the if Labour wins a majority it will set up a publicly-owned Great British Energy concern and heavily invest in floating offshore wind.
Posted: 25/03/2024
Blenheim Estate and British climate tech firm A Healthier Earth has launched ForestFactory, an innovative project designed to increase the effectiveness, survival and speed of reforestation projects.
Posted: 21/03/2024
A new regulation from the Biden Administration will mean US car makers will need to sell more electric vehicles and hybrids.
Posted: 21/03/2024
Transport alone is set to make up nearly half of Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2030, new Transport & Environment (T&E) analysis shows.
Posted: 20/03/2024
Delays to the updated climate change plan and further slippage in promised climate policies mean that the Climate Change Committee (CCC) no longer believes that the Scottish Government will meet its statutory 2030 goal to reduce emissions by 75 per cent.
Posted: 20/03/2024
Two major Chinese manufacturers of solar ae cutting their workforces in a sign that solar has some clouds on its horizon and that after years of rapid expansion that have made China the world centre of solar development.
Posted: 19/03/2024
Electric cars are being integrated into National Grid’s Balancing Mechanism, in a move that will eventually see hundreds of thousands of EVs used as a virtual power plant.
Posted: 19/03/2024
A survey by British International Investment (BII) has revealed extent of the impact being felt in countries most vulnerable to the climate emergency, with four out of every five businesses already suffering the consequences of a rapidly changing environment.
Posted: 19/03/2024
The Electricity System Operator (ESO) is seeking to invest $58bn for the electricity grid as it attempts to reform its exciting infrastructure to be net-zero ready for 2035.
Posted: 19/03/2024
The take up of heat pumps is too slow, and risks jeopardising Government climate targets.
Posted: 18/03/2024
TagEnergy and developer Harmony Energy’s Jamesfield battery energy storage system (BESS) has gone live following completion of the facility.
Posted: 18/03/2024
Methane emissions from the energy sector remained near a record high last year, but substantial policies and regulations announced in recent months, as well as fresh pledges stemming from the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, have the potential to put them into decline soon, according to a new International Energy Agency (IEA) analysis.
Posted: 18/03/2024
A coalition of food innovation organisations has launched the Regenerative Innovation Portfolio, which aims to leverage regenerative agriculture's potential in Europe by demonstrating innovative pathways and scaling existing initiatives through new partnerships across agrifood value chains.
Posted: 14/03/2024
A world-leading innovation project exploring the possibilities of hydrogen production on offshore wind farms and transportation to shore is to conclude, almost two years after it began. 
Posted: 14/03/2024
New research from Triodos Bank UK reveals a level of greenwashing influencing consumers’ decisions to open ISAs.
Posted: 13/03/2024
Getting solar power to high rise apartment has been an issue, but one solution is the deployment of mini-arrays to each balcony.
Posted: 13/03/2024
The Climate Change Committee’s assessment of the Government’s Third National Adaptation Programme (NAP3) points to it being inadequate in its current stat, but there is still a window for creating effective climate resilience.
Posted: 13/03/2024
The 4th annual National Sustainability Awards, recognising the pioneers of sustainability are now open for nominations. Seeking great stories of innovation and breadth of impact across all sectors that can help build a more sustainable and better future, this year we have added extra categories so that more organisations from an even wider range of activities can help demonstrate their commitment and share best practice.
Posted: 13/02/2024
British Forces Cyprus (BFC) has awarded a contract to Beam Global to provide portable electric vehicle charging solutions.
Posted: 12/03/2024
Europe is the fastest warming continent in the world, and climate risks are threatening its energy and food security, ecosystems, infrastructure, water resources, financial stability, and people’s health, according to the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) assessment.
Posted: 12/03/2024
The Energy Secretary has taken a “common-sense decision” to build new gas-fuelled power stations in light od concerns for energy security.
Posted: 12/03/2024
The Government’s Review of electricity market arrangements (REMA), now entering its second consultation, seeks to address significant irregularities and inefficiencies in the energy market.
Posted: 12/03/2024
The UK now has over 15GW of onshore wind capacity that is fully operational, with EDF Renewables UK’s West Benhar onshore wind farm in North Lanarkshire adding a capacity of 30.1MW.
Posted: 11/03/2024
Octopus Energy is announcing plans to offer 4,000 new job roles in 2024 alone. The majority of these jobs will be in the services division, including heat pump engineers, solar and EV charger installers, delivery drivers and operations personnel.
Posted: 11/03/2024
In 2022, the UK imported around half its food from overseas. Just over a quarter of UK food imports came from the Mediterranean region, most of which was staple fresh produce like fruit and vegetables.
Posted: 11/03/2024
Demand for validation services has risen consistently, with the total number of companies with validated targets doubling again in 2024.
Posted: 07/03/2024
The Government has announced the largest ever budget for the upcoming Contracts for Difference auction round with £800m pledged for offshore wind.
Posted: 07/03/2024
Following the UK’s decision to leave the Energy Charter Treaty, the EU is the next in line to ditch the agreement.
Posted: 07/03/2024
NatPower will invest more than £10bn of investment in energy transition, as it develops the over 60GWh of battery storage and clean energy projects, in a boost to the UK renewable ambitions.
Posted: 07/03/2024
Unilever has released its Climate Policy Engagement Review, calling on industry associations to be actively engaged in climate advocacy.
Posted: 06/03/2024
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has ruled on listed companies making climate disclosures.
Posted: 06/03/2024
The EU has reached a provisional agreement for regulation on packaging and packaging waste, setting new binding re-use targets for 2030 and indicative targets for 2040.
Posted: 05/03/2024
Vattenfall IDNO is offering its Grid Connections Consultancy to help infrastructure developers connect to electricity grid more rapidly.
Posted: 05/03/2024
Innocent’s Farmer Innovation Fund, launched in 2021, has increased funding to £1m for 2024.
Posted: 05/03/2024
Global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions rose less strongly in 2023 than the year before even as total energy demand growth accelerated, but without clean energy technologies, the global increase in emissions in the last five years would have been three times larger.
Posted: 04/03/2024
Hydrogen to get a further boost with over £21m of Government support for seven projects to make fuel for transport and businesses moving away from natural gas.
Posted: 04/03/2024
TV personality Chris Packham is asking a judge to decide whether it was lawful for the Government to change its environmental policies.
Posted: 04/03/2024
The UK's Boiler Upgrade Scheme showing a 49 per cent increase in voucher applications and vouchers issued in January 2024, compared to January 2023.
Posted: 01/03/2024
The Volta Foundation’s 2023 Battery Report has ben released. The Volta Foundation is the global battery community and contains Siemens and Ford among its members.
Posted: 01/03/2024
Two councils, two different stories that highlight the problems with large-scale solar farms in the UK and planning.
Posted: 01/03/2024
On the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion, Ukraine’s largest private energy company DTEK has accelerated the company’s development of renewable power across Ukraine.
Posted: 29/02/2024
The first regenerative agriculture project in the UK has been created, working with farms that grow mustard seeds and mint leaves used in Unilever’s Colman’s products.
Posted: 29/02/2024
The EU’s Parliament has approved its ‘environmental crimes’ rules. The new directive, agreed with the EC on last year, was adopted with 499 votes in favour, 100 against and 23 abstentions.
Posted: 28/02/2024
Tata will build a £4bn battery cell gigafactory in the UK, producing 40GW annually. Announced last year, the decision has now been confirmed in an official press release.
Posted: 28/02/2024
The UK has exceeded the five-year targets set by the UK’s Climate Change Act.
Posted: 28/02/2024
The UK’s net-zero economy grew 9 per cent in 2023 according to a new report, with the total gross value added (GVA) by businesses involved in the net-zero economy standing at £74bn.
Posted: 27/02/2024
A new finance initiative is calling for a transformation of the $500tr global financial system to achieve climate goals through a just transition.
Posted: 26/02/2024
The EU’s import taxes on carbon-intensive products will have only a limited impact on climate change and a modest negative effect on economies in Asia and the Pacific, according to research by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Posted: 26/02/2024
An investigation into Eni’s projects in Kenya and the Republic of the Congo by Transport & Environment (T&E) and The Continent shows that the promise of producing thousands of tonnes of biofuel crops id falling short and casts doubt on the concept of scaling up biofuels as an alternative to oil and gas.
Posted: 26/02/2024
A new report published by RenewableUK shows that the Government has an opportunity to secure a record number of new offshore wind farms, and record amount of new capacity, in this year's auction for contracts to generate clean power (Contracts for Difference).
Posted: 23/02/2024
The Government has confirmed its withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) after efforts to agree modernisation failed.
Posted: 22/02/2024
The UK Infrastructure Bank has committed £30m to support the expansion of UK-based green hydrogen pioneer, GeoPura.
Posted: 22/02/2024
DNV predicts that without swift action the UK is currently on course to miss its 2030 NDC target and its legally binding mid-century decarbonisation target.
Posted: 22/02/2024
Luton will become second Stellantis plant in UK to manufacture electric vehicles, following Ellesmere Port.
Posted: 22/02/2024
The EC has adopted new rules will enhance consumers’ rights and protect them against misleading ‘green’ claims, including about unfair claims about carbon offsetting. It will also clarify the traders’ liability in cases of information (or lack of information) on early obsolescence, unnecessary software updates or the unjustified obligation to buy spare parts from the original producer.
Posted: 22/02/2024
The Attorney General is seeking clarity on whether claims that protesters honestly believed organisations affected by their stunts would have consented to the damage - if they had known more about the impact of climate change - can be a defence in court.
Posted: 22/02/2024
Friends of the Earth, ClientEarth and Good Law Project are taking the Government to the High Court over what Friends of the Earth lawyer, Katie de Kauwe, called “a reckless, high-risk plan”.
Posted: 21/02/2024
Climate investments in the EU economy grew by 9 per cent in 2022, but whilst the European Green Deal is gaining economic momentum, investments must double for the EU to hit 2030 climate targets.
Posted: 21/02/2024
Research from Make My Money Matter into the £3tr UK pensions market has shown that the total related carbon emissions stand currently at 330 million tonnes each year.
Posted: 21/02/2024
AI crop pickers and vertical farming might once have been the thing of science fiction, but a set of circumstances is making them a reality.
Posted: 20/02/2024
The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero has given approval for plans to build a net-zero power station on Teesside.
Posted: 20/02/2024
Alternative asset manager Gresham House has launched a new specialist biodiversity strategy to accelerate the deployment of nature-based solutions to halt biodiversity decline in the UK.
Posted: 20/02/2024
The EU has reached agreement on a world leading registry for certified carbon dioxide removals obtained from eco-farming practices and industrial processes. The voluntary framework is intended to facilitate and speed up the deployment of high-quality carbon removal and soil emission reduction activities in the EU.
Posted: 20/02/2024
The EU is scrapping the promised “initiative for water resilience” despite the increased dangers of flooding and drought.
Posted: 19/02/2024
Of 24 European countries analysed, the most attractive markets for battery energy storage systems (BESS) investment are the UK, Ireland and Italy.
Posted: 19/02/2024
The UK has cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 50 per cent between 1990 and 2022, while growing the economy by nearly 80 per cent, becoming the first major economy to achieve this milestone.
Posted: 13/02/2024
Barclays has published a revised Climate Change Statement and Transition Finance Framework to progress its climate strategy and continue its focus on clients actively engaged in the energy transition.
Posted: 13/02/2024
Germany and Italy are objecting to the EU’s supply chain ESG laws, meaning that any decision will now need to be postponed.
Posted: 12/02/2024
From 12 February all major housing developments are required to deliver at least a 10 per cent benefit for nature with England becoming the first country to make such a gain a legal requirement.
Posted: 12/02/2024
Octopus Energy and National Grid have introduced a new process to speed up the installation of heat pumps and other low carbon technologies, such as domestic batteries and electric vehicle chargers.
Posted: 09/02/2024
The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) has revealed that the global mean temperature for the past twelve months (Feb 2023 – Jan 2024) is the highest on record, at 1.52C above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial average.
Posted: 08/02/2024
The 2024 Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering has been jointly awarded to Andrew Garrad and Henrik Stiesdal for their achievements in advancing the design, manufacture and deployment of high-performance wind turbines.
Posted: 08/02/2024
The Labour Party is on the brink of dropping its pledge to append £28bn a year on environmental projects.
Posted: 08/02/2024
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has censured an advertisement on Google for BMW claiming it produced, “zero emissions cars”.
Posted: 07/02/2024
Ørsted. Already bruised by its experiences in US offshore, is pulling out of several markets.
Posted: 07/02/2024
The EU has reached a provisional agreement how ESG ratings will be regulated, in an attempt to bring harmonisation, clarity and confidence.
Posted: 07/02/2024
The EU has reached a provisional deal on the Net-Zero industry Act to bolster EU production in technologies needed for decarbonisation.
Posted: 07/02/2024
Ember’s European Electricity Review shows a record fall in coal, gas and CO2 emissions in 2023 across the UK and EU in 2023, with a cleaner electricity mix than ever, as renewables took major steps forward.
Posted: 07/02/2024
Rowan Atkinson has been cited by the House of Lords as a reason for poor EV sales in the UK.
Posted: 07/02/2024
The top two barriers to mitigating high energy costs are a lack of solutions with immediate impact and environmental considerations limiting options, both cited by 63 per cent in a PwC survey.
Posted: 06/02/2024
Arrival, the UK electric van maker was once valued at $13bn, is now in the hands of EY-Parthenon’s Turnaround and Restructuring Strategy team and exploring options for the sale of the business and assets.
Posted: 06/02/2024
Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) need to be reformed to be effective, according to a new report published today by the Building Research Establishment (BRE).
Posted: 05/02/2024
The Society of Motor Manufactures and Traders (SMMT) has reported that the millionth EV in the UK has been registered during January while overall new car market grow 8.2 per cent.
Posted: 05/02/2024
British Gas is offering the cheapest EV charging rate in the UK under its Hive SmartCharge service.
Posted: 05/02/2024
Switching to ammonia as a marine fuel, with the goal of decarbonisation, can instead create entirely new problems.
Posted: 05/02/2024
A group of 21 investors have written to the Bank of England’s Prudential Regulation Authority to seek its support in ensuring that banks disclose climate risks.
Posted: 02/02/24
Google has announced several new renewable energy deal that will see power purchase agreements for more than 700MW.
Posted: 01/02/2024
COP28 means that the UK must now support the COP28 global goals to triple renewable capacity and double the annual rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030, as well as an obligation to support the acceleration of the global transition away from fossil fuels, say the Climate Change Committee (CCC).
Posted: 31/01/2024
M&S is removing over four million units of plastic packaging in Cafes across UK and IKEA has slashed its carbon footprint by 22 per cent.
Posted: 31/01/2024
New figures show applications to the Government's Boiler Upgrade Scheme in December jumped by 49 per cent compared to the same month in 2022.
Posted: 30/01/2024
The recent COP28 commitment to triple renewable energy capacity by the end of the decade is a welcome but ambitious target that will require rapid scaling of renewables.
Posted: 30/01/2024
New analysis from the Westwood Global Energy group estimates that 380GW or $883bn offshore wind projects are at risk over the next six years.
Posted: 30/01/2024
Morningstar analysis of ESG funds shows that as the European Commission closed its consultation on the future of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) in the final quarter of 2023, Article 8 funds were registering the largest quarterly outflows on record.
Posted: 30/01/2024
Funding has been awarded to 33 projects across the UK that will cut shipping emissions and support the maritime industry to net-zero.
Posted: 30/01/2024
HSBC has launched its Net Zero Transition Plan, providing an overview of how it plans to be a net-zero bank by 2050.
Posted: 26/01/2024
Clean sources of electricity generation are set to cover additional electricity demand through to 2026, a new report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) has found.
Posted: 25/01/2024
Drax is setting up a new US-based business unit that will oversee the development and construction of new-build BECCS plants internationally with the intention of becoming a leader in delivering large-scale global carbon removals.
Posted: 25/01/2024
The biggest transfer of community energy assets ever in the UK has been completed, with solar farms with a collective capacity of 36MW going into community ownership.
Posted: 24/01/2024
Eatron Technologies and WMG, University of Warwick have developed an innovative and accurate estimate for EV battery Remaining Useful Life (RUL).
Posted: 24/01/2024
The question is how to make EVs faster to recharge and accelerate their adoption. Current lithium-ion batteries are slow to charge, but there might be a breakthrough at Harvard University, where the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) is developing a solid-state that can be charged in minutes – just like filling a petrol tank.
Posted: 24/01/2024
Texas-based oil company ExxonMobil has sued two ESG investors in an attempt to prevent their climate proposal from going to a vote at its annual investor meeting.
Posted: 23/01/2024
Barclays has reopened its Cambridge Eagle Lab as a dedicated space to support or scale high-growth climate tech businesses and as an area to showcase climate technologies or businesses that Barclays is supporting through its partnerships.
Posted: 23/01/2024
The Government should increase annual public investment by £26bn to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss, as well as improving productivity and economic growth a report by Professor Lord Nicholas Stern and experts at the London School of Economics and Political Science and the University of Cambridge have found.
Posted: 23/01/2024
The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has announced revisions to the UK Corporate Governance Code are intended to enhance transparency and accountability, but the new Code has come under fire for ignoring ESG concerns.
Posted: 23/01/2024
EU lawmakers today agreed targets for heavy-duty vehicles that will phase out almost all sales of new diesel trucks by 2040.
Posted: 19/01/2024
Estimated indirect economic consequences of climate induced sea level rise are much higher than previous studies imply.
Posted: 19/01/2024
Oxford has launched what will be the largest UK fleet of electric buses outside of London.
Posted: 18/01/2024
If those who drive the furthest ditched fossil fuels, the UK could save all of the oil (around 13.6 million tonnes) expected to be extracted from the North Sea by the 2040s, according to a new report from New AutoMotive.
Posted: 18/01/2024
Interest in the seaweed industry is growing rapidly across Europe, and seaweed farming is viewed as a forerunner of a sustainability transition with widespread local benefits.
Posted: 18/01/2024
The Government has awarded funding to build a publicly accessible green hydrogen refuelling station near Middlesbrough, initially serving at least 25 new zero emission heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) making deliveries.
Posted: 18/01/2024
London is ‘underprepared’ for the impact of climate change including flooding and extreme heat, a report commissioned by the Mayor of London has found.
Posted: 17/01/2024
A new study has exposed the dangers of climate denial on YouTube – particularly among young people. Researchers from the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) gathered a dataset of text transcripts from 12,058 climate-related YouTube videos posted by 96 channels over almost six years between January 2018 and September 2023.
Posted: 17/01/2024
The Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, Claire Coutinho, has approved the Development Consent Order (the DCO) for Drax Power’s plans to convert two of its biomass units at Drax Power Station to the carbon removals technology bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS).
Posted: 17/01/2024
Climate-intensified natural disasters could lead to $12.5 tr in economic losses and an additional 14.5 million deaths by 2050, a report presented by the World Economic Forum at their annual meeting in Davos has found.
Posted: 16/01/2024
The fifth annual report by ShareAction analysing how the world’s largest asset managers voted in 2023 on shareholder resolutions to address environmental and social issues has been released. The overall picture of the results is that support for these resolutions has declined, and the report describes this as the ‘worst voting performance yet’.
Posted: 16/01/2024
Solar power is expected to be the leading source of growth in electricity generation over the next two years, according to predictions by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). It forecasts an increased capacity for solar power that will boost the solar share to six per cent in 2024 and seven per cent in 2025, up from four per cent in 2023.
Posted: 15/01/2024
Philanthropic foundations channelled $330m towards outdoor air quality projects between 2015-22, according to Philanthropic Foundation Funding for Clean Air: Advancing Climate Action, Health and Social Justice, a new report by the Clean Air Fund.
Posted: 15/01/2024
A new report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) shows it could be possible to meet the goal of tripling global capacity for renewable energy by 2030 as agreed at COP28, but emerging and developing economies must brought along to achieve this.
Posted: 15/01/2024
There was close to a 20 per cent jump in heat pump installations in 2023 compared to the previous year, with over 220,000 heat pumps in use. (picure of Valliant HP).
Posted: 11/01/2024
Plans by EET Hydrogen for the first large scale, low carbon hydrogen production plant (HPP1) in the UK in Ellesmere Port have been given the green light by Cheshire West & Chester Council.
Posted: 11/01/2024
The Government is looking to further expand its nuclear horizons publishing two consultations, one on a new approach to siting future nuclear power stations and another on supporting the sector and encouraging private investment to roll out advanced nuclear projects.
Posted: 11/01/2024
The World Economic Forum has highlighted misinformation and disinformation as the biggest short-term risks, while extreme weather and critical change to Earth systems are greatest long-term concern, according to its Global Risks Report 2024.
Posted: 11/01/2024
Norway has become the first country to approve commercial-scale deep-sea mining, after its government passed a bill with cross-party support on Tuesday.(Illustration from Greenpeace.)
Posted: 11/01/2024
Marks & Spencer has announced it is expanding its Refilled scheme, in partnership with Reposit, on own-brand cleaning and laundry products, as part of its commitment to reduce and remove plastic packaging.
Posted: 10/01/2024
EDF’s plans to invest a further £1.3bn in the UK’s five generating nuclear power stations over the 2024-26 period will help sustain output at current levels.
Posted: 10/01/2024
Microplastics are showing up everywhere, from polar ice to soil, now researchers have found that nanoplastics, which are microplastics that have broken down even further can be found in bottled water.
Posted: 10/01/2024
InfraRed Capital Partners, part of SLC Management, the institutional alternatives and traditional asset management business of Sun Life, has entered a £100m partnership with Wondrwall Group to develop an AI-powered home energy management system.
Posted: 08/01/2024
The UK Battery Industrialisation Centre (UKBIC) has secured £38m of funding to upgrade the facility including a new flexible scale-up line will bridge the gap between UKBIC’s existing volume industrialisation line and kilogramme scale demonstrator lines available elsewhere.
Posted: 08/01/2024
As the Government readies the roll out od small modular reactors in the UK, it is launching a high-assay low enriched uranium (HALEU) programme with £300m of investment to provide enriched uranium for the next generation of nuclear reactors.
Posted: 08/01/2024
BT Group is powering up its first EV charging unit built from an old green street cabinet. The cabinets, traditionally used to store broadband and phone cabling, are now coming to the end of their useful lives but are being reborn as street EV charging points.
Posted: 08/01/2024
UK Power Networks has become the first Distribution System Operator (DSO) to respond to industry calls and publish full data on curtailment history across its network.
Posted: 05/01/2024
Piclo and National Grid Electricity Distribution have announced a strategic partnership aimed at simplifying access for Flexibility Service Providers (FSP) into local distribution Flexibility Markets.
Posted: 05/01/2024
The average share of renewable sources in energy consumption at the EU level reached 23 per cent in 2022, an increase of 1.1 percentage points from 2021.
Posted: 04/01/2024
The 104TWh generated from fossil fuels in 2023 is the lowest level in 66 years a Carbon Brief analysis reveals.
Posted: 04/01/2024
Analysis of latest biofuels data shows worrying rise in dubious ‘used’ cooking oil imports as airlines increasingly promote biofuels as solution for cleaner flying.
Posted: 14/12/2023
Housebuilder the Hill Group, social landlord Clarion Housing Group and Octopus Energy have agreed a strategic partnership to deliver sustainable living in the UK.
Posted: 13/12/2023
COP28 has made it over the line with agreement on the text to "transition away" from fossil fuels, which deserves the expression ‘historic’ but leaves some room for disappointment.
Posted: 13/12/2023
Battery Manufacturer E-Storage has agreed a deal with Engie to build and deliver 226 MWh DC of energy storage for projects in Scotland. The company, a subsidiary of Canadian Solar, will construct energy storage projects for the two sites in Cathkin and Broxburn.

Posted: 12/12/2023
The nearly 200 countries at COP28 have finally been presented with draft text by the UAE COP28 presidency, but the precise wording has left some questioning the real determination to stop climate change.
Posted: 12/12/2023
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) will consider ‘green’ claims made by Unilever about certain household essential items, such as a number of cleaning products and toiletries.
Posted: 12/12/2023
While the rapid deployment of clean energy technologies in recent years has made a major difference to the climate outlook, and it places the Paris goal within reach, the world is not yet on track to meet the Paris Agreement goal of keeping global warming well below 2C – let alone below the threshold of 1.5C that science has shown is crucial to avoid the worst effects of climate change.
Posted: 11/12/2023
Annual spending on solar and wind projects has risen by more than $300bn in the past five years, benefitting from policy support and cost declines. In 2023, it's set to account for a third of the expected $1.8tr in overall clean energy investment.
Posted: 11/12/2023
First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB) has announced that it will lend, invest and facilitate over $135bn in sustainable and transition financing by 2030.
Posted: 11/12/2023
The UK could health threats from mosquito-borne diseases as the country warms from climate change.
Posted: 11/12/2023
An analysis of the FTSE All-World Index sees that a rebounding global economy, post COVID in 2021, saw the decline in emissions moderated, with typical firm-level emission reduction decreasing from five per cent to one per cent, and a quarter of reporting index constituents increasing emissions by at least ten per cent in 2021.
Posted: 08/12/2023
Ensuring a lower-carbon future is not only necessary but also good for the economy, according to the latest climate scenarios from the Network for Greening the Financial System, a group of 127 central banks and financial supervisors working to manage climate risks and boost green investment.
Posted: 07/12/2023
At COP 28 several independent carbon crediting standards have announced a collaboration to increase the impact of activities under their standards.
Posted: 07/12/2023
Zapmap, the charge point mapping service, has today confirmed that the country has passed the significant milestone of 10,000 rapid and ultra-rapid electric vehicle charging points.
Posted: 07/12/2023
The UK’s energy supply could require more than £900bn in capital expenditure to achieve net-zero by 2050, opening up a significant opportunity for public and private capital in enabling a successful transition, according to a new report published by NatWest and Boston Consulting Group (BCG).
Posted: 07/12/2023
An estimated total of 90 million people to be employed in the energy sector by 2030, as predicted in Bureau Veritas’s Energy Transition Report 2023.
Posted: 06/12/2023
Launched as part of Energy Day at COP28, a call has been made for sports teams and industries to integrate renewable energy technologies into their operations.
Posted: 06/12/2023
The UK could unlock £100bn in investment opportunities to decarbonise Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs), a new report by the Green Finance Institution (GFI) has shown.
Posted: 05/12/2023
Several major NGOs have cautiously welcomed the announcement by Emmanuel Macron of a multilateral initiative to end the construction of new coal plants.
Posted: 05/12/2023
Broadening permitted development rights could help boost solar power, as the Government’s intention to allow greater flexibility in planning will mean that rooftop solar panels can be more easily installed.
Posted: 05/12/2023
COP28 has produced some significant progress, and a few raised eyebrows.
Posted: 05/12/2023
BP has agreed to acquire the 50.03 per cent interest it does not already own in Lightsource, developer and operator of utility-scale solar and battery storage assets.
Posted: 04/12/2023
SSE Renewables and Equinor have awarded contracts to Genesis, H2GO Power, and Fichtner to support the optimal production of large-scale green hydrogen from Dogger Bank D.
Posted: 04/12/2023
Octopus Energy Group has completed the acquisition of Shell Energy Retail in the UK and Germany.
Posted: 04/12/2023
COP28 has pledged more than $57bn in its first four days, including a start to the long anticipated ‘loss and damage’ fund. Other areas receiving funding pledges include finance, health, food, nature, and energy.
Posted: 04/12/2023
Two weeks of COP28 opens amid hope and criticism. On the table will be discussions on creating a disaster fund, which could be an easy win, before the battle lines over what is a ‘just transition’, reparations, and the role of fossil fuels are drawn.
Posted: 30/11/2023
The Green Finance Institute (GFI) has released a report revealing that introducing Property Linked Finance (PLF) to the UK market could investment of billions in the energy efficiency of the UK’s properties.
Posted: 28/11/2023
The Rockefeller Foundation has announced that it will target net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for its $6bn endowment by 2050.
Posted: 28/11/2023
Reuters reports that OPEC secretary general Haitham Al Ghais has accused the International Energy Agency (IEA) of vilifying the oil and gas industry.
Posted: 28/11/2023
The US Army Corps of Engineers will begin work on a solar-covered canal pilot project in Arizona.
Posted: 28/11/2023
Virgin Atlantic’s flight on Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) will take off from London Heathrow to New York JFK, marking a significant solution to the decarbonisation of long-haul aviation.
Posted: 28/11/2023
The first auction under the European Hydrogen Bank fielded an initial €800m of emissions trading revenues. In the auction, producers of renewable hydrogen can bid for support in the form of a fixed premium per kilogramme of hydrogen produced. The premium is intended to bridge the gap between the price of production and the price consumers are currently willing to pay, in a market where non-renewable hydrogen is still cheaper to produce.
Posted: 27/11/2023
Business and Trade Secretary Kemi Badenoch has launched the Government’s Advanced Manufacturing Plan that will set the parameters of how the UK will grow and deploy clean and digital manufacturing technologies.
Posted: 27/11/2023
Germany and Italy have reaffirmed their commitment to gas and hydrogen pipelines across the Alps.
Posted: 24/11/2023
Negotiations on the insurance regulation Solvency II have fallen short of delivering the regulatory framework needed to hold insurers accountable for climate risks, with the final text only requiring most EU insurers to develop 'prudential plans and targets' to address risks associated with climate change.
Posted: 24/11/2023
Nissan will build electric Qashqai and Juke models at its Sunderland factory alongside the next generation of the electric Leaf and create a new gigafactory for electric batteries in addition to the existing facility and the further gigafactory being built by AESC.
Posted: 24/11/2023
Atos and the WWF have announced a three-year strategic partnership to leverage technology to support biodiversity conservation and to encourage businesses to decarbonise.
Posted: 23/11/2023
According to new research from Element Energy, electric heavy goods vehicles (eHGVs) are poised to become more economical than their diesel counterparts.
Posted: 23/11/2023
There was some good news for renewables in the Autumn Statement, with the decision to make the full expensing of capital investment permanent. Under full expensing, companies can deduct the costs of equipment. The policy was due to end in 2026.
Posted: 23/11/2023
A new Clean Energy Partnership between the UK and the Republic of Korea (RoK) boost energy security and accelerate the clean energy transition has been launched.
Posted: 22/11/2023
A coalition of NGS has blasted the European Parliament’s Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) saying that it supports the interests of industry rather than prioritising climate front-runners.
Posted: 22/11/2023
Businesses are revising their climate targets as reality of long-term sustainability transformation hits them, and as a result they are extending commitment targets with average deadlines for climate change commitments shifting back by 14 years to 2050.
Posted: 22/11/2023
An official of the UN has contacted the Government with concerns that climate protestors are facing unduly harsh sentences at court.
Posted: 21/11/2023
An analysis of 2030 national renewable targets show that doubling of renewables is already planned by governments, but tripling is within sight.
Posted: 21/11/2023
The City of London Corporation has slashed its net carbon emissions by 66 per cent since 2018/19, leaving it on track to hit its key target to reach net-zero in its own operations by 2027.
Posted: 21/11/2023
Euromonitor’s annual report reveals consumers’ evolving values, and within the top five two are directly relevant to sustainability as the environment continues to be a major concern.
Posted: 21/11/2023
New EU crimes include pollution caused by ships, mercury use, and the illegal depletion of water resources.
Posted: 20/11/2023
The Government has announced £960 million of funding for clean energy in a Green Industries Growth Accelerator.
Posted: 20/11/2023
Octopus Energy’s generation arm, managing £6bn of green energy projects, has launched its first offshore wind fund.
Posted: 20/11/2023
Remember Thunderbirds? Critical was the ability to get the rescue team to locations quickly. Now American Express Global Business Travel (Amex GBT) has partnered with humanitarian relief organisation Airlink to enable its first responders travel more quickly to disaster areas.
Posted: 20/11/2023
Ofgem has launched a review and consultation on standing charges with a view to their potential replacement.
Posted: 16/11/2023
In an open letter to electric vehicle chargepoint operators and motorway service area site operator, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has highlighted its concerns about very limited competition along motorways.
Posted: 16/11/2023
PepsiCo has been sued by New York state for plastic pollution along Buffalo River that is allegedly contaminating the water and harming wildlife.
Posted: 16/11/2023
The Government has committed to offshore wind investment, with the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) confirming that it will increase the maximum strike price for offshore wind farms by 66 per cent, to £73 per MWh. Likewise, an increase of 52 per cent has been announced for floating offshore wind (FOW) projects to £176. These revised figures will form the parameters for the next annual CfD auction (Allocation Round 6, or AR6).
Posted: 16/11/2023
The global campaign for a proposed Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, is calling on European governments and policymakers to commit themselves to such a legally binding, international treaty at the upcoming COP28 in Dubai.
Posted: 16/11/2023
At a keynote speech, Frank Elderson questioned the “fitness and propriety” of some finance executives in charge.
Posted: 15/11/2023
The Crown Estate is taking steps to enable the generation of up to an additional 4GW from several offshore wind farm projects in development, within the timeframe of the Government’s offshore wind target of 50GW by 2030.
Posted: 14/11/2023
In Rishi Sunak’s reshuffle, Thérèse Coffey has been replaced by Steve Barclay as Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Posted: 14/11/2023
Ofgem has announced a “tough new policy to clear zombie projects” and cut waiting time for energy grid connection.
Posted: 14/11/2023
Barbados will make a "debt-for-climate" swap with the European Investment Bank (EIB) and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) providing a $300m guarantee.
Posted: 13/11/2023
Although the Government has targeted the installation of 600,000 heat pumps a year by 2028 as it strives to hit the Net Zero pathway, the noise generated by heat pumps makes them unsuitable for many homes and contravene the Government’s own guidelines on noise pollution.
Posted: 13/11/2023
The IEA believes that Latin America and the offer “bright prospects for future clean energy industries”.
Posted: 13/11/2023
The chancellor is planning to introduce a carbon tax by 2026 to ensure that domestic producers are not undercut by countries with poorer environmental credentials.
Posted: 13/11/2023
Consultancy Waterman Group has launched its Materials Passports Framework which sets a clear pathway to material reuse in the construction industry.
Posted: 09/11/2023
Octopus Energy today announces a long-term partnership with housebuilder Bellway Homes to deliver ‘Zero Bills’ housing at scale.
Posted: 09/11/2023
The number of female CEOs and on women on boards has jumped by 83 per cent since 2018, with the sharpest increases being in 2021 and 2022.
Posted: 08/11/2023
The Government has committed to attract record levels of investment in renewable energy and to speed up grid connections to reach net-zero in the King’s Speech.
Posted: 08/11/2023
Claims that plastic bottles are fully recyclable or recycled stand accused of being vague, factually incorrect or not substantiated.
Posted: 07/11/2023
National Grid is accelerating the connection of up to 20GW of clean energy projects to its electricity transmission and distribution networks in England and Wales as part of ongoing collaborative work across industry.
Posted: 07/11/2023
Virgin Atlantic’s trial of flying the Atlantic on sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) flight has been granted a permit to fly by the Civil Aviation Authority.
Posted: 06/11/2023
Sustainable Ventures, the climate tech cluster, has announced it has secured £3m in its first fundraising led by Barclays Sustainable Impact Capital and other investors to support UK expansion. Barclays Sustainable Impact Capital is investing £500m in climate tech startups in total and has previously invested in three businesses that are supported by Sustainable Ventures.
Posted: 06/11/2023
Researchers in American Chemical Society (ACS) report that they’ve developed a plastic-eating E.coli that can efficiently turn polyethylene terephthalate (PET) waste into adipic acid, which is used to make nylon materials, drugs and fragrances.
Posted: 06/11/2023
Released ahead of the COP28 climate talks taking place in Dubai, the Adaptation Gap Report 2023: Underfinanced. Underprepared finds that the adaptation finance needs of developing countries are 10-18 times as big as international public finance flows and over 50 per cent higher than the previous range estimate.
Posted: 06/11/2023
Car manufacturers have raised the prices of their cheapest models by an average of 41 per cent since 2019, new analysis of price data shows. Almost double the cumulative rate of inflation during this period.
Posted: 06/11/2023
The textiles and fashion industries face an issue as production levels wipe out crucial environmental improvements, with the average person buying 28 new items of clothes every year.
Posted: 06/11/2023
Recommerce, the buying, selling or renting previously owned products, continues to grow, as figures from Barclays reveal consumers are opting for second hand over new and hiring pre-loved items more often than they did a year ago, contributing £6.99bn to the UK economy.
Posted: 03/11/2023
Bloomberg and the Financial Times have reported that Barclays is to rebuild its carbon trading presence, having had a somewhat on/off relationship with the sector over the year, including acquiring and selling components of the business.
Posted: 03/11/2023
Allianz Trade has released its latest research on greening global trade, reviewing which countries produce and consume most green goods.
Posted: 02/11/2023
“We need more ambition, we need trillions not billions,” COP28 President Dr Sultan Al Jaber said at virtual meeting of heads of multilateral development banks (MDBs).
Posted: 02/11/2023
SSE Renewables will proceed with the construction of one of the UK’s largest battery energy storage system (BESS) projects in Monk Fryston, Yorkshire with a 320MW / 640MWh grid-scale battery.
Posted: 01/11/2023
The United Repair Centre London (URC London) is opening in Haringey, as part of the partnership between social impact companies United Repair Centre and Fashion-Enter with fashion brand Patagonia will make it easier for clothing brands to join the repair movement.
Posted: 01/11/2023
Ørsted will cease development of the Ocean Wind 1 and 2 projects as part of an ongoing review of its US offshore wind portfolio.
Posted: 01/11/2023
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the Global Renewables Alliance (GRA) and COP28 Presidency have launched a joint report Tripling Renewable Power and Doubling Energy Efficiency by 2030: Crucial Steps Towards 1.5C.
Posted: 31/10/2023
The Energy Act 2023 has received Royal Assent, outlining a plan to transform the UK’s energy system by strengthening energy security, delivering net-zero and maintaining reasonable pricing.
Posted: 31/10/2023
The war in Ukraine has highlighted how climate, energy and security are all interrelated, and as a result COP28 will see a partnership between its Presidency and the Munich Security Conference (MSC).
Posted: 31/10/2023
South Pole has confirmed that it has terminated its contract with Carbon Green Investments (CGI), the owner and developer of the Kariba REDD+ project, with immediate effect.
Posted: 30/10/2023
BP will acquire $100m of ultra-fast charging hardware units from Tesla to facilitate the expansion of its Pulse public network across the US. The introduction of Tesla’s chargers to the Pulse network is the first time the hardware will be purchased for an independent EV charging network
Posted: 27/10/2023
More than a dozen high profile innovation projects that support the ongoing decarbonisation of the UK’s heat and transport sectors have been given the green light after UK Power Networks secured funding from industry regulator Ofgem.
Posted: 27/10/2023
New Unilever CEO Hein Schumacher has made it plain that not all of the company’s brands need have a social or environmental purpose.
Posted: 27/10/2023
A group of over 20 NGOs coordinated by ShareAction through the European Responsible Investment Network (ERIN), has published a manifesto for the EU elections calling on policymakers to make sustainable finance a top priority of the 2024-2029 EU agenda.
Posted: 26/10/2023
ClientEarth is taking the Government to court to strengthen its Net Zero strategy for a second time.
Posted: 26/10/2023
California Governor Gavin Newsom has been meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping on a tour of Beijing with discussion on the climate, amongst other items, and talks on the Declaration of Enhanced Subnational Climate Action and Cooperation Between the State of California and the People’s Republic of China.
Posted: 26/10/2023
Venture capital investments in nature tech startups have been developing over the past three years with early-stage deals rising by 130 per cent between 2020 and 2022 and average deal sizes for seed to series B funding increased by 70 per cent.
Posted: 25/10/2023
Over 130 businesses in the We Mean Business coalition have signed a letter to the global leaders attending COP28 in Dubai urging them to phase out fossil fuels by the 2040s.
Posted: 25/10/2023
Thrive Renewables has launched a new share offer to support its aim to double the amount of renewable energy generation capacity in its portfolio over the next five years.
Posted: 24/10/2023
Major shifts underway today will result in a considerably different global energy system by the end of this decade, according to the IEA’s new World Energy Outlook 2023
Posted: 24/10/2023
Approximately £16bn of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is invested in the fossil fuel industry, according to analysis by Platform and Friends of the Earth.
Posted: 23/10/2023
The creation of a new fund to aid vulnerable countries hit by climate disasters has stumbled over EU and US ‘red lines’, with the US insisting on housing the proposed fund in the World Bank and the EU backing that proposal.
Posted: 23/10/2023
Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland has joined the Warm Welcome Campaign as its Volunteering Partner for 2023/24.
Posted: 18/10/23
Drinks company Diageo has announced two regenerative agriculture programmes across its tequila and scotch brands in Mexico and Scotland respectively.
Posted: 13/10/2023
New guidance published by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) have been designed to help businesses understand how they can collaborate on environmental sustainability goals legally.
Posted: 13/10/2023
Yorkshire-based family automotive retailer JCT600 is donating a year’s supply of Chemo Ducks to both the Leeds and Sheffield Children’s Hospitals in partnership with The Give A Duck Foundation, a UK-wide children’s cancer charity.
Posted: 12/10/23
Digital workplace organisation Ricoh has announced an extension of its partnership agreement with The Prince’s Trust.
Posted: 11/10/23
Activism at AGMs is increasing, leading to both results for the activism and new liners of defence for corporates.
Posted: 12/10/2023
The quality of beer is likely to decline due to climate change, and even lager drinkers might notice.
Posted: 12/10/2023
RWE Supply and Trading and Npower Business Solutions have announced their collaboration regarding Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). The aim is to offer Npower customers PPAs for renewable energies in the future.
Posted: 11/10/2023
UK has surpassed 50,000 electric vehicle (EV) charging points according to the data from Zapmap.
Posted: 11/10/2023
The West Midlands Gigafactory, UK centre of electrification in Coventry, is in advanced discussions with several leading Asian battery manufacturers about future investment at the Coventry site.
Posted: 11/10/2023
The Final Disclosure Framework and Implementation Guidance from the Transition Plan Taskforce has been published, putting the UK on track for mandatory carbon disclosures.
Posted: 11/10/2023
Dogger Bank is now connected to the National Grid and providing renewable power as the first of the 277 turbines installed start work.
Posted: 10/10/2023
Virgin Media O2 is boosting its O2 Recycle initiative, as new figures show that UK businesses are holding onto almost 12 million unused mobile phones and tablets.
Posted: 09/10/2023
Half (46 per cent) of young people want to tax flying according to new research from Co-op and its charity, the Co-op Foundation.
Posted: 09/10/2023
The winners of the National Sustainability Awards have been revealed.
Posted: 06/10/2023
The recent publication of the final Green Technical Advisory Group (GTAG) paper on the long-term ‘institutional home’ for the Green Taxonomy is a suite of nine GTAG papers that have summarised the independent advice the GTAG has offered to the Government since the inception of GTAG in June 2021.
Posted: 05/10/2023
The UK’s biggest electricity network operator, UK Power Networks, has put its largest ever flexible electricity offering on the market today.
Posted: 05/10/2023
M&S will launch national charity partnership with Young Minds to raise £5m to help young people’s education, work and relationships.
Posted: 04/10/2023
Trafford’s Sale Water Park has opened the largest ultra-rapid electric vehicle charging hub in Greater Manchester.
Posted: 04/10/2023
A report by RenewableUK shows that the total pipeline of floating offshore wind projects has grown significantly in the last 12 months in terms of capacity from 185GW a year ago to 244GW now.
Posted: 04/10/2023
The Football Association (The FA) is opening the doors of Wembley Stadium to charities, schools and community groups across Brent and the local area with the launch of The FA’s Wembley Community Club.
Posted: 03/10/23
Brookfield has purchased Banks Renewables in a $1bn deal.
Posted: 03/10/2023
Contractor Xlinks is to connect 3.6GW of renewable power from Morocco to the UK electricity grid, with the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero has confirming that the Morocco-UK Power Project is a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project.
Posted: 03/10/2023
More countries are seeing decreasing per capita coal emissions as they shift towards clean power, but coal pollution remains an issue, and a new analysis by Ember finds the top two coal polluters remain Australia and South Korea.
Posted: 03/10/2023
The UK has the second largest installed offshore wind capacity in the world, with a Government target to more than treble this capacity by 2030 to 50GW, including 5GW floating offshore wind.
Posted: 03/10/2023
The World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) has published new research showing that the vast majority of the world’s major food and agriculture companies need to take decisive action to protect the planet and to feed the world in a healthy and equitable way.
Posted: 03/10/2023
The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) has launched the Manufacturer Climate Action Program (MCAP) in collaboration with Nike and Target Corporation.
Posted: 02/10/2023
Leading European insurers are underwriting nearly a third of US coal production despite their net-zero commitments, reveals a new report released today by Insure Our Future.
Posted: 29/09/2023
WRAP has announced its annual UK Surplus Food Redistribution data, showing solid progress in 2022 with approximately 170,000 tonnes of surplus food being received by redistribution organisations equating to just over 400 million meals.
Posted: 29/09/2023
The market for used EVs, vital to spread electrification across road users, is growing, with two thirds (73 per cent) of drivers saying they would consider buying a used EV, but battery health, range, reliability, charging infrastructure and purchase price all remain barriers.
Posted: 29/09/2023
ZEV mandate: What’s changed from consultation to final announcement?
Posted: 28/09/2023
BP has started construction on its 187MW Peacock Solar project, that will sell electricity it generates under a long-term power purchase agreement to Gulf Coast Growth Ventures (GCGV), a joint venture between ExxonMobil and SABIC, producing materials used to manufacture clothes, food containers, packaging, agricultural film and construction materials.
Posted: 27/09/2023
The Green Finance Institute (GFI) has announced it is expanding in Europe with the appointment of Signe Fosgaard as the head of GFI Denmark and Eduardo Brunet as head of GFI Spain.
Posted: 27/09/2023