Offshore wind’s £92bn potential

The UK has the second largest installed offshore wind capacity in the world, with a Government target to more than treble this capacity by 2030 to 50GW, including 5GW floating offshore wind.

The UK’s supply chain for offshore wind represents a £92bn opportunity to boost the UK’s economy by 2040, according to a report by the Offshore Wind Industry Council (OWIC) and the Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP).

The report, entitled Supply Chain Capability Analysis outlines key measures that industry and government can take to strengthen the UK’s offshore wind supply chain, and in doing so maximise socioeconomic benefits that offshore wind growth can bring to the UK.
Expansion represents a significant increase in demand for equipment and services required to develop, construct, and operate offshore wind farms. Meanwhile, the expansion of offshore wind in other countries provides an opportunity for the UK to export its equipment, services, and expertise abroad.

The analysis finds that targeted intervention in the UK supply chain has the potential to bring £92bn of GVA into the economy. While the UK has had notable success stories and received significant investment from developers and government, the analysis recognises more could be done to keep the UK’s supply chain resilient, with UK suppliers competing with those of other countries for vital contracts, and the jobs and opportunities they bring.

Tim Pick, chair of the Offshore Wind Growth Partnership, and the UK’s former Offshore Wind Champion, said: “The UK is one of the world leaders in offshore wind in terms of installed capacity, contributing to lower energy bills, extra money for the public purse, and new jobs being created in coastal towns and cities. However, we’re only really scratching the surface when it comes to the full potential economic and social benefit of offshore wind, which we can only capture by maturing our domestic supply chain.”

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