New UK EV battery maker launches

Volklec, a new Coventry-based manufacturing business making batteries for electric vehicles, has been launched.

Working with UKBIC (UK Battery Industrialisation Centre) the company will develop batteries to meet the attribute requirements of the UK automotive market, in particular the diverse array of small volume and niche vehicle manufacturers.

UKBIC is a £130mnational battery manufacturing scale-up facility which provides skills for the growing battery sector, and plays a key role in the Government’s Faraday Battery Challenge (FBC), a national UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) led programme to bring together research, development and scale-up, including supply chain and manufacturing development, in order to help organisations seize opportunities presented by the move to a low carbon economy.

Sean Gilgunn, UKBIC MD, said: “Manufacturing cells at volume is vital to ensuring the UK prospers from the energy transition towards net-zero, and this agreement further demonstrates the unique value of UKBIC to the battery ecosystem.”

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