Airlander lands in Doncaster

Hybrid Air Vehicles (HAV) will place its production facility in Doncaster, creating a £1bn per annum export business and over 1,200 jobs and new supply chains within the South Yorkshire Investment Zone.

HAV produces the Airlander 10, the first in a new category of efficient aircraft, that combines the lift of airships with an aerodynamic lifting shape and thrust.

Designed to make possible new ultra-low emissions air services around the world, there is a pathway to include the introduction of electric motors, leading to a zero-emission version of the aircraft by 2030.

Carcroft Common is a 50-hectare site identified by the City of Doncaster Council for development to unlock new economic growth. The freehold for the site will be acquired by Hybrid Air Vehicles under the terms of the agreement.

The facility could produce 24 Airlander 10 aircraft per year, each being an ultra-low emissions aircraft capable of carrying 100 passengers, or ten tonnes of payload. Currently the reserved orderbook for Airlander 10 stands in excess of £1bn, with the first aircraft set to enter service from 2028 with Air Nostrum Group, the launch airline customer.

Ed Miliband, the MP for Doncaster North and Shadow Secretary of State for Climate Change and Net Zero said: “This is absolutely fantastic news for Carcroft and for Doncaster. This new production site will create over 1200 much needed highly skilled jobs to the area as well as bring green air travel a step closer.”

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