Gigaparks by the dozen

NatPower has announced that it will channel £10bn into the UK industry storage industry.

A subsidiary of the broader European NatPower Group, the UK-based start-up has revealed plans to license three large-scale battery storage Gigaparks by the upcoming year, with an additional ten set to follow by 2025.

The company aims to build over 60GWh of energy storage capacity by 2040, which would constitute between 15 to 20 per cent of the UK’s overall capacity and NatPower UK have designated over £600m for substation development to expedite the integration of renewable energy into the national grid.

Stefano Sommadossi, CEO NatPower UK, highlighted these early investments as pivotal steps to advance the next stage of the renewable energy transition, emphasising that these actions will not only ease the process, but also help in reducing the cost of energy for consumers.

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