Biden fires up EVs but ICE will stay

A new regulation from the Biden Administration will mean US car makers will need to sell more electric vehicles and hybrids.

With a new set of the strictest US car emission limits at the ‘tailpipe’ the tightening of pollution laws will automatically mean that more EVs will be sold, and makers forced to accelerate progress on their offerings.

The new targets will mean that 56 per cent of all new US vehicles will need to be EVs by 2032, something that would dramatically speed the adoption of clean vehicles.

More formally called the Multi-Pollutant Emissions Standards for Model Years 2027 and Later Light-Duty and Medium-Duty Vehicles, the measure, introduced by the environment Protection Agency (EPA), will phase in over model years 2027 through 2032, with car makers that do not meet the new standards facing “stiff” fines.

Compared to the UK and EU, it is a more lenient approach that a complete ban (which the UK will enforce from 2035) but even so may face hurdles in the form of both legal challenges and the potential re-election of Donal Trump.

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